Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Pink and White Bookworm

Heya everybody!

It's super Sunday, and for me it's quite a lazy one today. I have been kept indoors for the WHOLE week due to IBS. It's been rough for a wee teenager like me, I went through heartburns, backaches, stomach-aches, diarrhea, vomiting and a little depression. IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and it definitely is no doubt, irritating. But I don't want to go into that 'cos it ain't what I'm here to say :P

While resting, I became a bookworm and now I am addicted to the S.A.S.S series. If you haven't heard of it, you should go check it out. In every book, the story of one gal's life and journey to a foreign country is told. And for those who loves a little romance, you should read these books 'cos there's always romance in every one of 'em. *giggles*

Right now, I'm reading "When Irish Guys are Smiling", basically Delk (the main character in this series) goes to study in Ireland, leaving her 52-year-old father and his annoying, new, young pregnant wife (her dad remarried, her birth-mother died). She meets new friends and a super cute Irish boy named Pather (Sounds like panther:P), that's where the romance bit comes in. P.S The cover of the book is shown above, soo puny but I can't find a bigger pic, so I'll just have to post this one :P

That's all for now,

Hope you guys will get a good rest before Monday comes again! Monday blues, uggh, hate them :P


1 comment:

  1. ooooh, there's romance?! :D then i must check this out, *giggles*. ;P


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