Sunday, December 12, 2010


yayy! I've reached 10 followers. Not that it's like..50 or a 100 followers but still, it's doing good for a new blog. Lotsa love and thank-yews to my followers. FYI, I do follower those who follows me and has a blog. Now, blogging just got even more fun. I hope I get more followers and at least, readers, in the future. Please do leave me some comments 'cos I love to read the messages you leave. P.S I always reply your comments so do check my replies out. I do read your awesome blogs and I love them. I'll continue to post cool stuff and update you on stuff in my life. So, thank you once again ^^

Merry Christmas,



  1. Congrats on reaching 10 followers! It is a lot! I think even one is a lot lol! I think you're so cute and your posts are interesting to read~

  2. Hey, thanks suki :) I checked out your blog and yes...followed :D i love your blog. Thank you for following mine too. Glad you enjoy my posts, I enjoy yours too ^^


To my lovely visitors, I hope you guys leave a comment. I read every single sweet comments you leave me. I appreciate it alot! If you'd like to follow each other via GFC, do feel free to tell me! Thanks ^^